Sunday, April 29, 2007


Hello dear friends!!

These days are so important for me and as you know I should study hard for konkoor!!

it is hard to stay at home and study!! and it is so hard that nothing is going to happen at home and all days are like each other!!!

But in inside of these hard times there is a beutifull thing and that makes me happy!!

I think there are many hard and bitter times in life that I should accept them just becouse of my goals and my goals make these times beutifful!! and today I wrote this blog for you becouse I wanted to say that some times the face of something is so ugly but when we see the inside we can find some beutifuul things on them!!

And now I ask from my own Kind and Beutifful God that give us the power for seeing insides!!

and then i ask you my best friends that ask from God to help me becouse of my goals !!