Tuesday, June 12, 2007


Besmehi Taala
Dear All, specially Mahdieh
My first degree was physics and I have a B. S degree from Shiraz university. I realy love and loved physics but I have one little problem with it too! I don't understand lots of it. Now what Stephen Hokins talk about or what Einstin was talking about are really beyond my mental capacity to understand, but I do understand one thing and this is what I was trying to picture talking about RUNNIG and DEATH. I as all of you beleive that this is just one part of our life that some of us, specially me are spending it carelessly. And this is what I call RUNNING WITH MY HEAD DOWN. Actually I beleive in this life we are getting ready for our real life. But what worries me and unfortunately I am not doing much about it, even though I am certain I am RUNNING, but this time RUNNING OUT OF TIME! is that I have not done much to offer when I enter the other world. And somehow I am not still doing anything that changes this. I feel I am like an overweight person that even though he knows he has a problem, but still cannot keep himself from eating fatty stuff. And this is what I meant by just pause a frame of my life and ask myself is this what I wanted from my life!
More on this later inshallah.
By the way Stephen Hokins will be in Iran soon. He is invited to come to Iran by فیزیک نظری and his trip is supported by CISSC. In case you wonder what CISSC stands for. I just give you a hint it stands for the office I work for!!!