Monday, May 14, 2007

post your comments

weeping willow said...
Dear Parand e Nilgoon Salam, First of all, I'd like to welcome your return to hamrahan-e Noor. It is always encouraging to read your masterpieces here. Could you please elaborate on your comment saying "I can fly with my lovely friend Sadrieh in her sky , her bright and happy eyes talk with me about sky" ? It is almost impossible for me to believe someone flying in the sky and I couldn't get it by your writing either. By the way, I hope you would help us know " What you mean ".

parand e nilgoon said...
salam weeping willow thanks for your coment. I feel when someone talk deeply about his/her feeling and interests, we can enter his/her world and journey with his/her mind and watch his/her dreams and see through his/her eyes and fly in his/her sky. specially about Sadrieh who has a smart mind and beautiful sky…The sky of her mind is sometimes green , sometimes blue and …

weeping willow said...
Salam Parand, Thank you for replying to my comMent. Could you please give me an exapmle of Sadrieh's green moments? Why don't you include such examples in your writing? You just claim that sometimes she is green and sometimes like other colors. I'd like to know when she is green and how? As I believe, if you try to bring such examples to your writing and try to open them up in a way to help us get the impression of green or whatever color, your writings would be Inshallah more and more enlightening. Have you read what I posted in Dena? I've already posted a couple of writings. Let me know how you find my suggestions in my own posts.Health and Peace,Willow

ebnossabil said...
به عمري يك نفس با ما چو بشينند برخيزند نهال شوق در خاطر چو برخيزند بنشانند

parand e nilgoon said...
salam willow thanks of your leaves that help me to writhe better …when I read your comment , I thought more about sadrieh and her words to find out what make me think that sometimes she is red and sometimes green , blue and…I remember that sadrieh had a great love to sky and she love stars and planets and when she talked about sky you can see your passion in her eyes .when she talked about sky her eyes shined .and after she explain new discover about astronomy she became blue and calm. she is so active and attractive, when you meet her, you feel happy. That’s when she was red!And her fresh sprit , make me feel about her green…Thank you for suggestion. I read your article. I think I understand what you mean …and try to become better.

And thank you ebnossabil ,
تو دستگیر شو ای خضر پی خجسته که من پیاده می روم و همرهان سوارانند.....

rend said...
...ای کوه چون می خورده ای ما مست گشتیم از صدا

BEAUTIFUL…Thank you Parand-e Nilgoon and Moulana.
افتاده در گردابه ای تا خود که داند آشنا......

ebnossabil said...
salam dear parand e nilgoon

وصف رخساره خورشيد ز خفاش مپرس كه در اين آينه صاحبنظران حيرانند
مفلسانيم و هواي مي و مطرب داريم آه اگر خرقه پشمين به گرو نستانند
dear rend
زاهد از رندي حافظ نكند فهم مراد ديو بگريزد از آن قوم كه قرآن خوانند

s.f.nebula said...
Salam dear parandeh thank you for your colorfull poems and I really really love to see your own poems!!! Can you post them for us?